Home Working - Our Dos and Don’ts
If you have never worked from home before and you suddenly now find yourself doing so, it can be quite an adjustment that should not be underestimated and it is vital to take care of your mental health to be able to
work effectively.
To help you with your new working situation we have collated some simple dos and don’ts to help you
navigate your new homeworking.
Do Keep A Daily Routine
This includes going to bed at the same time each night as you usually would, getting up around the same time and working your set hours as closely as you can.
Do Not Start Work Straight Out Of Bed
Do Get Showered and Dressed
We all know how tempting it is to work in the dressing gown, but you will feel much better if you take the time
to complete your usual morning routine.
Do Get Daylight and Fresh Air Before You Start Work
Before you even open your emails, just like you would on your commute – even if this means a walk around
the garden or sticking your head out of the window.
Do Stay Hydrated - It Just Makes Sense!
Do Get Out and Exercise
This does not have to be a run or a full workout, but could be as simple as stretching in the living room.
Do Have a Designated Workspace
This is important and will help with compart mentalisation.
Do Not Work Where You Sleep
Keep where you sleep and work separate and try to also avoid working in your leisure zone for any part of the day, i.e. on the sofa. This will help you switch in and out of work mode.
Do Take Regular Opportunities to Have Short Breaks and Connect With Others
Do Ensure You Take a Lunch Break
Even if you feel like you have accumulated enough mini breaks throughout the day – a lunch break is about getting some headspace of 30 minutes or more away from your work space to help your brain recalibrate.
Do Signal the End of the Day
Our brain can liken this to walking out of the office, even if this is simply packing your workspace away and
giving the fridge door a slam, this is you mentally switching out of work mode.
Don’t Expect Perfection
There are a mirage of distractions and temptations in the home that we simply don’t have in a work office, try your best to stay focused and except that some days you will fail, just try again the next day!
Ella Flemyng, who works at Cochrane, a healthcare charity, shared the changes she’s made to her routine:
“Having suffered with anxiety in the past I knew taking my wellbeing seriously in the transition to self-isolation would be important. My new routine includes meditation before work (I use the Headspace app), spending
the first hour of the working day on my balcony with a cup of coffee, reading through emails and making my
to-do list for the day. I’ve set alarms for lunchtime yoga (Adriene’s Yoga on YouTube is great!) and for when
the working day finishes, at which point I go for a run or walk. I’ve bought a sketching set and started drawing again after 15 years, and I’m planning to download an app to start learning Spanish as my brother moved to Madrid a few years ago and I’ve been meaning to learn for a while now.”
We have also developed a rapid response course to tackle the challenges of home working and cultivating
good mental health in these uncertain times. Free webinars also coming soon!